Avalon Empath

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The Multidimensional world of Avalon, brings in  teachings, stories, and meditations for you to travel through, in your own good way.

Under the guidance of Morgan Le fay, we look at the question of identity.

And the difficulties we might have in establishing our identity, holding it, and radiating our true identity out.

We learn what it means to be empathic, or so sensitive to the energy of others, that we often take a 'back seat'.  Feeling a sense of  instability, confusion,  personal loss, or power struggle.

We might question 'Who we really are' this can create issues with self worth that cause us to swing between tactical 'over protection' or uncontrollable 'over projection'.

Morgan Le fay comes close.

To show, us more about the energetic dynamics of relationships.

To help us, to remain open to others, whilst staying connected to our centre. 

To tutor us, to recognise, and clear distortions around the distinctions between egoic fear and personal identity .

To guide us. So we can begin to move out of our lower self, or illusory identity. And make a shift into our higher self,  or true identity.

To instruct us, in how to keep healthy boundaries around ourselves. And to explain why this is necessary.

To teach us, how to understand and purify, and have loving self image, through reflection.

These teachings ultimately take us into the light body, the wisdom of  the Merkaba, and our 'I am presence'.

This is a Four Month long immersion, in the frequencies of  soft magical Avalon.

How does it work?

You will receive a collection of audio recordings via 'We Transfer' each month.

I will be holding you energetically in the frequencies of Avalon as we work through the recordings together.

You will  be included to receive a monthly group fundamentals and advanced transference healing session,  to help you integrate your own personal understandings. .

So this immersion becomes a learning, healing, growing experience.

Throughout our time in Avalon I encourage you to share insights and ask questions. These are shared through me and the 'Forest Temple', via audio recordings.

This brings our time together to life! 

 Here are the details of what is to come...

 Month One 

1.0 Honey bee introductory and course companion meditation..

This will be sent to you upon joining the group, with a welcome email

The Lady of the Lake 

 Be guided through Forest temples and Fairy circles,  to meet the lady of the Lake.

1.2 The Standing Stone

Enter  into Inter-dimensional and inner Earth Awareness.

1.3 The Salamander

 Hypersensitivity,  energetic interference, and the importance of working with the centre of the self.


& Full fundamentals and Advanced Group Transference Healing.

With reading recording.


& 'The Forest Temple' Group Questions and insights explored in 'real time'.

Month Two

2.1 Morgan Le Fay

We explore the mystery of the high priestess of Avalon.

Her overlapping Worlds and Ambiguous Identities.

And being in Two Places at once.

2.2 The Raven

Morgan Le Fay comes closer to tutor us through her truth vibrations, and explains how falsity impacts the Empath.

2.3 The Owl

Night time class with the wisdom of the owl.

Stay awake for some practical magic!

2.4 & 2.5 Invocation

Practice a morning and Evening Invocation to support your Magical Journey of Identity


& Full fundamentals and Advanced Group Transference Healing.

With reading recording


& 'The Forest Temple' Group Questions and insights explored in 'real time'.

Month Three

3.1 Merlin

We Take a walk with the Master magician, who teaches the indomitable force of morality.

Moving states of energy through imagination.

Stoic Principles

Understanding patterns

3,2 The stag

We run with the Beautiful, majestic Stag to explore 'Sacred land'.

 And the 'duty' of  stewardship.

3,3 The hall of mirrors

Morgan Le fay guides us through the sometimes confusing reflections of relationships.

Through her story, she explains how and why we might learn to create healthy boundaries.


& Full fundamentals and Advanced Group Transference Healing.

With reading recording


& 'The Forest Temple' Group Questions and insights explored in 'real time'.

Month Four

4.1 King Arthur

We ride with Arthur, exploring the sun or Sol or soul forces, that can connect us deeply to the higher self .

We look at circulating pranic light within the system

And recognising False light in our world.

4.2 Merkaba

Morgan Le Fay shines her light on The technology of the light body.

We glimpse upon the natural human journey, of  growing into this organic, god given, technology.

'You are a heavenly body, and you belong amongst the Stars'

4.3 The Holy Grail

Lie back and take rest with the Dryad of the oaks.

 Learn about the guardian, that is your oversoul.

Wielding the world through the love of the heart.

Releasing judgement to form identity.

A party on the tor.


& Full fundamentals and Advanced Group Transference Healing.

With reading recording


& 'The Forest Temple' Group Questions and insights explored in 'real time'.

A Real time recording and celebration

To complete our time together.

5.0 'Identity Sealing meditation'

For the duration of our time in Avalon I will hold an etheric space for us to share, grow, and learn together.

You will experience what it is to work within the light of the temple. All the beauty and safety of this, is holding us, as we go gently inwards and onwards.

There is nothing quite like it. I absolutely adore our 'temple time' within these immersions.

You are warmly invited to ask me any question that arises, or share the insights you are having.

I then bring this all to the temple, and speak to it through my channel.

Our wisdom combined brings so much learning.

The forest temple  is always open - I will meet you there...

The Practicalities...

Your recordings will be delivered to your inbox, each month,  via 'we transfer'.

This is a sacred immersion therefore, you will not be required to complete tasks in the way a traditional training might require. 

Instead the energy that runs creates a divine 'set up' so you can practice what you have learned, within your life.

Our time together is intended to strengthen and enlighten you, within your beautiful living experience.  I feel this training is special as it is delivered entirely through visualisation meditation and story.

It will take you to another place.


Investment for first round Avalon Empath


Second round


Third round and thereafter


This includes

All recordings and meditations  (16 in total & yours to keep)


 Being energetically held in Avalon frequencies throughout your journey with me.

Monthly group session of Transference Healing,  fundamentals and advanced, (Includes Group healing reading)


Forest temple extras. (At Least 5 recordings - Probably more!)

If you would like to join me for the next round of Avalon Empath please contact me, or make payment to book your place.

You can do this via bank transfer

click here for details

or with PayPal.

I look forward to journeying together!


First round Avalon Empath

"I'm amazed - pure magic such a creative exploration of myself - I don't want it to end!

" I felt so supported and uplifted by the training and the group. It has helped me. It has been HUGE, significant and yet so gentle and beautiful. deep gratitude and respect and a reverent BOW to all of the guides".

"No more hiding away because I feel too much. This course has such a supportive energy. I've grown a lot within it as Avalon grew within me"

"I've felt a larger identity form around me and remembered so much more of myself.I feel stronger and safer and closer to my truth. I feel truth as a vibration within, that cannot be ignored.'

Avalon was grounding and calming. I felt I absorbed the energy. I can feel it. I hope to Go back there someday.

"I have learned to stay open to the changing nature of everything. I've been in the depths of the forests without direction, yet still strong because 'I know who I am'"

Avalon Empath 2023

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